  • Ham Finder

    Ham Finder

    7.8 2.2.18 2025-03-06

What's your QTH? The ultimate tool for the Mobile Amateur Radio Operator!

A tool designed by a Ham (KD7UIY), used to figure out your QTH, in Amateur Radio speak. Specifically geared towards the Mobile radio operator. This comes out of the need to figure out which county a person is in during many state QSO parties. Includes a simple log, and can now be able to even work without the internet at all (With in-app purchase)!

The free version includes ads, and includes the latitude, longitude, and grid square with no internet access. It requires an internet connection to provide county, country, etc

Works with either phones, or tablets. Tablet version makes it easier to manipulate data, and do logging, even having the ability to see current data while logging on screen (See screen shots). ADIF files can be exported, including all information collected (Upgrade required). The feature list is improving constantly, now the ability to edit and delete log entries is included, along with a database of all LOTW listed call signs. Submit your logs to Logbook of the World and eQSL. LOTW includes putting the logged information from Ham Finder in to your contact, so you can travel from gridsquare to gridsquare and not have to do anything special to log your contacts! See a map of where you've made QSOs that are logged. Check the DXCC of the callsign you are considering logging. More coming soon!

The tool is US centric right now, but an effort is being undertaken right now to expand the list, particularly in offline operations. Already the local translation is used for States and Counties, and will likely be used for Countries soon. I'm working on improving the translations across the board, in fact, to simply work everywhere. If there's a particular location you'd like to see, or would just like to help improve this app, please take the survey at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AfrKLXJwt9l1e-1Rew7G5WLyorcd_kLWyRmt82rw994/viewform

Note: This app will NOT help you find the best ham in your area. Sorry.

Reasons for each permission required:

ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION- This app uses GPS to determine where you are, and requires this permission to get that information

INTERNET- Used to query web APIs about your exact location.

ACCESS_WIFI_STATE- Used to make sure we don't try to contact someone if you don't have a network connection

WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE- Used for Google Maps to determine your location if you don't have one

VIBRATE- Used to notify user of some errors

READ_PHONE_STATE- This is used to ensure that each user has a unique token, only used for those who purchase in app products.

BILLING- Used to purchase in app products, such as US Counties Map.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.2.18

Last updated on Nov 6, 2016 Fixed bug preventing in app purchases for Android 6.0+ devices, downloading files for many devices, and map dialog number format crash prevention, allowing for localized numbers.

Updated libraries, speed up performance, added security. Better supports new security features from later Android versions.

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